I recently finished a tech interview with a local small company. Here is a brief summary for the questions in the interview.
There are n couples invi
I have always thought that CPP has a weaker string parsing API than JAVA. Recently I found a powerful function sscanf() in CPP which can be quite hand
There is a way to use customized comparison function in C++ priority_queue. Instead of reloading the ‘less than’ operator, one can also write a compar
Today I linked my QQ mail account with my mail application. Since the POP3/IMAP service is naturally turned off, it is a little bit harder than usual
I haven’t updated my blog for a long time due to piles of trivial things in my life. I think I do not make full use of my time efficiently in recent d
C++ STL do not have a function that can present certain combination of elements. But this can be achieved by utilizing the STL function next_permutati
Recently I need to convert my markdown file to PDF. In the past I use pandoc to do so with the command “–pdf-engine=xelatex”. Find it does not work we
In last day’s log I refer to multiset delete as1multiset.erase(multiset.find());
which will result in two finding operation in one call, making it rat
Discovered that C++ multiset can be used to implement a heap with delete operation.Since the elements in multiset will be autimatically sorted, min el
Changed my blog theme to NexT today. Fixed a bug that will display Germany after theme changing.It seems this happens because Germany ranks 1st in lan